
The publications developed in the project are listed below.

Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme (2021): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts; First giga_TES Results

IRES Virtual Conference (2021): Insulating Piles for the Cost-Effective Construction of Very-Large-Scale High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage

IRES Virtual Conference (2021): Simulation-based design optimization of large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage in renewables-based district heating systems

Kolloquium Forschung & Entwicklung für Zement und Beton (2019): Großwärmespeicher aus Beton – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze

5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems - Copenhagen, Denmark (2019): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts

5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems - Copenhagen, Denmark (2019): Large-ScaleThermal Energy Storage - A simulation scenario analysis

16th IBPSA - International Conference and Exhibition - Rome, Italy (2019): Numerical Analysis and Evaluation of Large-Scale Hot Water Tanks and Pits in District Heating Systems

EUROTHERM 2019 - Advances in Thermal Energy Storage - Lleida, Spain (2019): Planning and Constructing Cost-Effective Very Large-Scale Hot Water TES for District Heating Systems

8. Fachforum Thermische Energiespeicher (2018): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts

IEA-Tagung Thermische Speicher (2019): Giga-Scale Thermal Storage Technology Development

Science Brunch "Urbane Wärmewende" des Klima- und Energiefonds (2019): giga_TES: Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts

7. Fachforum Thermische Energiespeicher (2018): Giga-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Districts

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